Graphical Plotter //JavaScript Repository
Draws lines and arcs using javascript.
Created: 2005.08.08
Created: 2005.08.08
Code (Download)
//+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva
//@ [rev. #1]
Canvas = function(){
var o = this;
(o.penPos = {x: 0, y: 0}, o.pixelSize = 10, o.pen = {style: "solid",
size: 1, color: "#000"}, o.brush = {style: "solid", color: "#000"});
with({p: Canvas.prototype}){
p.pixel = function(x, y, color) {
var o = this, s = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div")).style;
return (s.position = "absolute", s.width = (o.pen.size * o.pixelSize) + "px",
s.height = (o.pen.size * o.pixelSize) + "px", s.fontSize = "1px",
s.left = (x * o.pixelSize) + "px", = (y * o.pixelSize) + "px",
s.backgroundColor = color || o.pen.color, o);
p.line = function(x1, y1, x2, y2){
if(Math.abs(x1 - x2) < Math.abs(y1 - y2))
for(y = Math.min(y1, y2) - 1, x = Math.max(y1, y2); ++y <= x;
this.pixel((y * (x1 - x2) - x1 * y2 + y1 * x2) / (y1 - y2), y));
for(x = Math.min(x1, x2) - 1, y = Math.max(x1, x2); ++x <= y;
this.pixel(x, (x * (y1 - y2) - y1 * x2 + x1 * y2) / (x1 - x2)));
return this;
p.arc = function(x, y, raio, startAngle, degrees) {
for(degrees += startAngle; degrees --> startAngle;
this.pixel(Math.cos(degrees * Math.PI / 180) * raio + x,
Math.sin(degrees * Math.PI / 180) * raio + y)); return this;
p.rectangle = function(x, y, width, height, rotation){
return this.moveTo(x, y).lineBy(0, height).lineBy(width, 0).lineBy(0, -height).lineBy(-width, 0);
p.moveTo = function(x, y){var o = this; return (o.penPos.x = x, o.penPos.y = y, o);};
p.moveBy = function(x, y){var o = this; return o.moveTo(o.penPos.x + x, o.penPos.y + y);};
p.lineTo = function(x, y){var o = this; return o.line(o.penPos.x, o.penPos.y, x, y).moveTo(x, y);};
p.lineBy = function(x, y){var o = this; return o.lineTo(o.penPos.x + x, o.penPos.y + y);};
p.curveTo = function(cx, cy, x, y){};
p.polyBezier = function(points){};
p.path = function(points){};
Example (Example)
<script type="text/javascript">
canvas = new Canvas;
canvas.pen.color = "#f00";
canvas.rectangle(30, 20, 20, 20);
canvas.pen.color = "#080";
canvas.rectangle(35, 25, 10, 10);
canvas.pen.color = "#008";
canvas.arc(50, 30, 10, 180, 270);
canvas.arc(30, 30, 10, 0, 270);
canvas.pen.color = "#ff0";
- Canvas(void)
- Generates an instance of Canvas.
- Canvas.penPos.x: Integer
- Current "x" coord of the pen.
- Canvas.penPos.y: Integer
- Current "y" coord of the pen.
- String
- Pen style (it should be setted with css border styles: "dashed", "solid", ...).
- Canvas.pen.size: Integer
- Pen width.
- Canvas.pen.color: String
- Pen color.
- Canvas.pixelSize: Integer
- Imaginary size of the pixel in the screen.
- Canvas.brush.*
- Not supported.
- Canvas.pixel(x: Integer, y: Integer): Canvas
- Draws a pixel in the position (x,y) and returns the own canvas instance.
- Canvas.moveTo(x: Integer, y: Integer): Canvas
- Moves the pen to the position (x,y) and returns the own canvas instance.
- Canvas.moveBy(x: Integer, y: Integer): Canvas
- Moves the pen to the position (penPos.x + x, penPos.y + y ) and returns the own canvas instance.
- Canvas.lineTo(x: Integer, y: Integer): Canvas
- Draws a line from (penPos.x, penPos.y) to (x,y) and returns the own canvas instance.
- Canvas.lineBy(x: Integer, y: Integer): Canvas
- Draws a line from (penPos.x, penPos.y) to (penPos.x + x, penPos.y + y ) and returns the own canvas instance.
- Canvas.line(x1: Integer, y1: Integer, x2: Integer, y2: Integer): Canvas
- Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) and returns the own canvas instance.
- Canvas.arc(x: Integer, y: Integer, ray: Integer, startAngle: Integer, degrees: Integer): Canvas
- Draws an arc starting from the angle "startAngle" to "startAngle + degrees", with center in (x,y), having ray equals to "ray" and returns the own canvas instance.
- Canvas.rectangle(x: Integer, y: Integer, width: Integer, height: Integer, rotation: Integer): Canvas
- Draws a square with origin in (x,y), width equals to "width", height equals to "height" (rotation não é suportado) and returns the own canvas instance.
- Canvas.curveTo(cx: Integer, cy: Integer, x: Integer, y: Integer): Canvas
- Not supported.
- Canvas.polyBezier(points: Array): Canvas
- Not supported.
- Canvas.path(points: Array): Canvas
- Not supported.
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