JSFromHell.com is a JavaScript code repository, mantained by Jonas Raoni Soares Silva and Carlos R. L. Rodrigues, having as objective supplying small and quality codes. Our codes were tested on the newest versions of the browsers: Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.


Hosting gently ceded by Victor Benincasa from Netbit Internet.


We authorize the copy and modification of all the codes on the site, as long as the original author credits are kept.


To keep yourself updated with the new codes or updates on existing codes, sign up the ATOM feed.


In the case you have a code that you consider indispensable, job offers, feature requests, suggestions or if you've found problems on the site, contact us.

Responsability Terms

We don't assume any responsibility for any kind of damage, direct or indirect, that can be raised upon the utilization of our codes/site or any site that's available through hiperlinks in our site.