Timeline //JavaScript Repository
Simulates the Adobe Flash timeline. You define the amount of frames, the speed in fps (frames per second) and, at each frame passage an event is called, useful for animations.
Created: 2008.03.14
Created: 2008.03.14
Code (Download)
//+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva
//@ http://jsfromhell.com/classes/timeline [rev. #0]
TimeLine = function(fps, f){
this.fps = fps, this.frames = f;
with({o: TimeLine, $: TimeLine.prototype}){
o.timers = [];
$.running = !!($.current = +(o.timer = $.time = null));
o.run = function(){
var o = this;
o.timer || (o.timer = setInterval(function(){
for(var h, d = +(new Date), t = o.timers, i = t.length; i--;){
(!t[i].running || ((d - t[i].time) / (1e3 / t[i].fps) > t[i].current + 1 &&
t[i].onframe(++t[i].current), t[i].current >= t[i].frames)) &&
(h = t.splice(i, 1)[0], h.stop(1));
}, 1));
$.start = function(c){
var o = this, t = TimeLine;
if(o.running) return;
o.running = true, o.current = c || 0;
o.time = new Date, o.onstart && o.onstart();
if(!o.onframe || o.frames <= 0 || o.fps <= 0)
return o.stop(1);
t.timers.push(this), t.run();
$.stop = function(){
var o = this;
o.running = false;
TimeLine.timer = clearInterval(TimeLine.timer), null;
arguments.length && o.onstop && o.onstop();
Example (Example)
<div id="box" style="position: absolute; top: 100px; background: #efe; width: 100px; height: 100px">25 fps</div>
<div id="box2" style="position: absolute; top: 300px; background: #ff9; width: 100px; height: 100px">12 fps</div>
<strong>TimeLine working together with the ease in quad function.</strong><br />
<script type="text/javascript">
Math.ease = function (t, b, c, d) {
if ((t /= d / 2) < 1)
return c / 2 * t * t + b;
return -c / 2 * (--t * (t - 2) - 1) + b;
var o = new TimeLine(25, 50), d = document, b = d.getElementById("box");
o.onframe = function(){
b.style.left = Math.ease(this.current, 0, 400, 30) + "px";
o.onstart = function(){
o.onstop = function(){
d.body.appendChild(d.createTextNode(" - Finished (" + (((new Date) - this.time)) + " msec)"))
var o2 = new TimeLine(12, 50), b2 = d.getElementById("box2");
o2.onframe = function(){
b2.style.left = Math.ease(this.current, 0, 400, 30) + "px";
o2.onstop = function(){
- TimeLine(fps: Number, frames: Number)
Generates an instance of TimeLine.
- fps
- animation velocity in fps
- frames
- amount of frames
- TimeLine.current: Integer
- Keep the current frame.
- TimeLine.frames: Integer
- Amount of frames.
- TimeLine.fps: Integer
- Velocity in frames per second.
- TimeLine.running: Boolean
- Indicates if the animation is running.
- TimeLine.time: Date
- Keeps the date of when the animation started.
- TimeLine.start([current: Number = 0]): void
Starts the animation.
- current
- defines the initial frame, the default is 0
- TimeLine.stop(void): void
- Stops the animation.
- TimeLine.onstart: function(): void
- Called when starting the animation.
- TimeLine.onframe: function(): void
- Called for each animation frame.
- TimeLine.onstop: function(): void
- Called when stopping the animation.
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