Extenso //JavaScript Repository
Converts numbers with less than 63 digits into the extensive form (in portuguese). It also supports currency numbers by using the comma as decimal separator.
Created: 2005.12.06 - Modified 2009.07.04
Created: 2005.12.06 - Modified 2009.07.04
Code (Download)
//+ Carlos R. L. Rodrigues
//@ http://jsfromhell.com/string/extenso [rev. #3]
String.prototype.extenso = function(c){
var ex = [
["zero", "um", "dois", "tr?s", "quatro", "cinco", "seis", "sete", "oito", "nove", "dez", "onze", "doze", "treze", "quatorze", "quinze", "dezesseis", "dezessete", "dezoito", "dezenove"],
["dez", "vinte", "trinta", "quarenta", "cinq?enta", "sessenta", "setenta", "oitenta", "noventa"],
["cem", "cento", "duzentos", "trezentos", "quatrocentos", "quinhentos", "seiscentos", "setecentos", "oitocentos", "novecentos"],
["mil", "milh?o", "bilh?o", "trilh?o", "quadrilh?o", "quintilh?o", "sextilh?o", "setilh?o", "octilh?o", "nonilh?o", "decilh?o", "undecilh?o", "dodecilh?o", "tredecilh?o", "quatrodecilh?o", "quindecilh?o", "sedecilh?o", "septendecilh?o", "octencilh?o", "nonencilh?o"]
var a, n, v, i, n = this.replace(c ? /[^,\d]/g : /\D/g, "").split(","), e = " e ", $ = "real", d = "centavo", sl;
for(var f = n.length - 1, l, j = -1, r = [], s = [], t = ""; ++j <= f; s = []){
j && (n[j] = (("." + n[j]) * 1).toFixed(2).slice(2));
if(!(a = (v = n[j]).slice((l = v.length) % 3).match(/\d{3}/g), v = l % 3 ? [v.slice(0, l % 3)] : [], v = a ? v.concat(a) : v).length) continue;
for(a = -1, l = v.length; ++a < l; t = ""){
if(!(i = v[a] * 1)) continue;
i % 100 < 20 && (t += ex[0][i % 100]) ||
i % 100 + 1 && (t += ex[1][(i % 100 / 10 >> 0) - 1] + (i % 10 ? e + ex[0][i % 10] : ""));
s.push((i < 100 ? t : !(i % 100) ? ex[2][i == 100 ? 0 : i / 100 >> 0] : (ex[2][i / 100 >> 0] + e + t)) +
((t = l - a - 2) > -1 ? " " + (i > 1 && t > 0 ? ex[3][t].replace("?o", "?es") : ex[3][t]) : ""));
a = ((sl = s.length) > 1 ? (a = s.pop(), s.join(" ") + e + a) : s.join("") || ((!j && (n[j + 1] * 1 > 0) || r.length) ? "" : ex[0][0]));
a && r.push(a + (c ? (" " + (v.join("") * 1 > 1 ? j ? d + "s" : (/0{6,}$/.test(n[0]) ? "de " : "") + $.replace("l", "is") : j ? d : $)) : ""));
return r.join(e);
Example (Example)
<form id="form" action="">
<legend>N?mero por extenso</legend>
Currency ? <input type="checkbox" name="cur" id="cur" value="" /><br />
N?mero <input type="text" name="num" /><br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="String.extenso()" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var f = document.forms.form;
addEvent(f, "submit", function(e){
- currency
- indicates if the value will be parsed as currency, the default value is false
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