Extenso //JavaScript Repository


Converts numbers with less than 63 digits into the extensive form (in portuguese). It also supports currency numbers by using the comma as decimal separator.
Created: 2005.12.06 - Modified 2009.07.04

Code (Download)

//+ Carlos R. L. Rodrigues
//@ http://jsfromhell.com/string/extenso [rev. #3]

String.prototype.extenso = function(c){
    var ex = [
        ["zero", "um", "dois", "tr?s", "quatro", "cinco", "seis", "sete", "oito", "nove", "dez", "onze", "doze", "treze", "quatorze", "quinze", "dezesseis", "dezessete", "dezoito", "dezenove"],
        ["dez", "vinte", "trinta", "quarenta", "cinq?enta", "sessenta", "setenta", "oitenta", "noventa"],
        ["cem", "cento", "duzentos", "trezentos", "quatrocentos", "quinhentos", "seiscentos", "setecentos", "oitocentos", "novecentos"],
        ["mil", "milh?o", "bilh?o", "trilh?o", "quadrilh?o", "quintilh?o", "sextilh?o", "setilh?o", "octilh?o", "nonilh?o", "decilh?o", "undecilh?o", "dodecilh?o", "tredecilh?o", "quatrodecilh?o", "quindecilh?o", "sedecilh?o", "septendecilh?o", "octencilh?o", "nonencilh?o"]
    var a, n, v, i, n = this.replace(c ? /[^,\d]/g : /\D/g, "").split(","), e = " e ", $ = "real", d = "centavo", sl;
    for(var f = n.length - 1, l, j = -1, r = [], s = [], t = ""; ++j <= f; s = []){
        j && (n[j] = (("." + n[j]) * 1).toFixed(2).slice(2));
        if(!(a = (v = n[j]).slice((l = v.length) % 3).match(/\d{3}/g), v = l % 3 ? [v.slice(0, l % 3)] : [], v = a ? v.concat(a) : v).length) continue;
        for(a = -1, l = v.length; ++a < l; t = ""){
            if(!(i = v[a] * 1)) continue;
            i % 100 < 20 && (t += ex[0][i % 100]) ||
            i % 100 + 1 && (t += ex[1][(i % 100 / 10 >> 0) - 1] + (i % 10 ? e + ex[0][i % 10] : ""));
            s.push((i < 100 ? t : !(i % 100) ? ex[2][i == 100 ? 0 : i / 100 >> 0] : (ex[2][i / 100 >> 0] + e + t)) +
            ((t = l - a - 2) > -1 ? " " + (i > 1 && t > 0 ? ex[3][t].replace("?o", "?es") : ex[3][t]) : ""));
        a = ((sl = s.length) > 1 ? (a = s.pop(), s.join(" ") + e + a) : s.join("") || ((!j && (n[j + 1] * 1 > 0) || r.length) ? "" : ex[0][0]));
        a && r.push(a + (c ? (" " + (v.join("") * 1 > 1 ? j ? d + "s" : (/0{6,}$/.test(n[0]) ? "de " : "") + $.replace("l", "is") : j ? d : $)) : ""));
    return r.join(e);

Example (Example)

<form id="form" action="">
    <legend>N?mero por extenso</legend>
    Currency ? <input type="checkbox" name="cur" id="cur" value="" /><br />
    N?mero <input type="text" name="num" /><br /><br />
    <input type="submit" value="String.extenso()" />

<script type="text/javascript">

var f = document.forms.form;
addEvent(f, "submit", function(e){



String.extenso([currency: Boolean = false]): String
Returns the number written in the extensive portuguese form. It accepts both monetary and normal numbers.
indicates if the value will be parsed as currency, the default value is false

Rank (Votes: 291)
