HTTP Request //JavaScript Repository
Class to make remote requests, which can be used on the popular "AJAX".
Created: 2006.08.18
Created: 2006.08.18
Code (Download)
//+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva
//@ [rev. #1]
HTTPRequest = function(){};
with({$: HTTPRequest.prototype}){
$.isSupported = function(){
return !!this.getConnection();
$.events = ["start", "open", "send", "load", "end"];
$.filter = encodeURIComponent;
$.getConnection = function(){
var i, o = [function(){return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");},
function(){return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");},
function(){return new XMLHttpRequest;}];
for(i = o.length; i--;) try{return o[i]();} catch(e){}
return null;
$.formatParams = function(params){
var i, r = [];
for(i in params) r[r.length] = i + "=" + (this.filter ? this.filter(params[i]) : params[i]);
return r.join("&");
$.get = function(url, params, handler, waitResponse){
return this.request("GET", url + (url.indexOf("?") + 1 ? "&" : "?") + this.formatParams(params), null, handler, null, waitResponse);
$.post = function(url, params, handler, waitResponse){
return this.request("POST", url, params = this.formatParams(params), handler, {
"Connection": "close",
"Content-Length": params.length,
"Method": "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"
}, waitResponse);
$.request = function(method, url, params, handler, headers, waitResponse){
var i, self = this, o = self.getConnection(), f = handler instanceof Function;
try{, url, !waitResponse);
waitResponse || (o.onreadystatechange = function(){
var s = $.events[o.readyState];
handler && (f ? handler(o) : s in handler && handler[s].call(self, o));
for(i in {USER_AGENT: 0, XUSER_AGENT: 0})
i in headers || (headers[i] = "XMLHttpRequest");
for(i in headers)
o.setRequestHeader(i, headers[i]);
waitResponse && handler && (f ? handler(o) : handler["end"] && handler["end"].call(self, o));
return true;
return false;
Example (Example)
<legend>HTTPRequest example</legend>
<input type="button" value="POST request with generic listener and params passage" onclick="genericHandler()" />
<br /><input type="button" value="GET request with specific listener (binded on load and end)" onclick="specificHandler()" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var r = new HTTPRequest;
function myHandler(o){
alert("Current event = " +[o.readyState] +
'\nAvailable "responseText.length" = ' + o.responseText.length);
function genericHandler(){, {param: "abcde", name: "Jonas", site: ""}, myHandler);
function specificHandler(){
r.get(location.href, null, {load: myHandler, end: myHandler});
"<br />Supports XMLHTTPRequest = ".bold() + r.isSupported(),
'<br />Encoded with the default filter ("encodeURIComponent") = '.bold() + r.formatParams({nameA: "aeiou", nameB: "????"})
r.filter = escape;
document.write('<br />Encoded with "escape" filter = '.bold() + r.formatParams({nameA: "aeiou", nameB: "????"}));
r.filter = null;
document.write("<br />Encoded with no filtering = ".bold() + r.formatParams({nameA: "aeiou", nameB: "????"}));
- HTTPRequest(void)
- Generates a new instance of HTTPRequest. On the requests the class will identify itself on the HTTP_USER_AGENT header as "XMLHTTPRequest"
- HTTPRequest.filter: Function(data: String): String
- function that will be called to filter the values of the parameters, by default it will be used the "encodeURIComponent" function
Observation: There are two ways of setting the callbacks, if you pass a simple function, it will be called for all the events of the XMLHTTPRequest, the other way is to set just the desired events on the callback, using the following sintax: {eventName: callback, eventName2: callback, ...}, where the allowed events are:
- open = called after the request start
- sent = called after the request data is sent
- load = called multiple timples while the content is retrieved
- end = called in the transference end
- HTTPRequest.isSupported(void): Boolean
- Returns true if the browser supports the creation of the XMLHTTPRequest object.
- HTTPRequest.get(url: String, [params: Object = null], [handler: Function(xhr: XMLHTTPRequest): void = null], [waitResponse: Boolean = false]): Boolean
Makes a request through GET and returns true if the request is created succesfully.
- url
- request url
- params
- parameters hashmap, it will be serialized and added on the end of the url as query string
- handler
- callback that will be called on the XMLHTTPRequest events, receives as argument the own XMLHTTPRequest object
- waitResponse
- indicates if the request will be synchronized (true) or asynchronized (false)
- String, [params: Object = null], [handler: Function(xhr: XMLHTTPRequest): void = null], [waitResponse: Boolean = false]): Boolean
Makes a request through POST and returns true if the request is created succesfully.
- url
- request url
- params
- parameters hashmap, it will be serialized and on sent within the POST
- handler
- callback that will be called on the XMLHTTPRequest events, receives as argument the own XMLHTTPRequest object
- waitResponse
- indicates if the request will be synchronized (true) or asynchronized (false)
- HTTPRequest.request(method: String, url: String, [params: Object = null], [handler: Function(xhr: XMLHTTPRequest): void = null], [headers: Object = null] [waitResponse: Boolean = false]): Boolean
Makes a request and returns true if the request is created succesfully.
- method
- method that will be used to make the request
- url
- request url
- params
- parameters hashmap, it will be serialized and on sent within the POST
- handler
- callback that will be called on the XMLHTTPRequest events, receives as argument the own XMLHTTPRequest object
- headers
- hashmap containing additional headers
- waitResponse
- indicates if the request will be synchronized (true) or asynchronized (false)
- HTTPRequest.getConnection(void): XMLHTTPRequest
- Returns a new XMLHTTPRequest object or null on error.
- HTTPRequest.formatParams(params: Object): String
Serializes the hashmap into the "query string" format.
- params
- object which the properties will be serialized
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