Image Preloader //JavaScript Repository
Image preloader with events and allows grouping the images to supply a synchronized loading.
Created: 2005.08.13
Created: 2005.08.13
Code (Download)
//+ Carlos R. L. Rodrigues
//@ [rev. #1]
Preloader = function(){
var o = this;
o.img = []; o.r = []; o.g = [];
o.n = {}; = o.loaded = 0;
Preloader.prototype.add = function(i, g){
var o = this, n = (o.g[] = [g || "general"])[0];
(g = o.n)[n] >= 0 ? ++g[n] : g[n] = 1;
o.img[] = i;
Preloader.prototype.load = function(){
var o = this, p = o.img, l = p.length, a, g = o.g;
(g[l][1] = a = new Image()).src = p[a.i = l];
a.onload = function(){
if(o.r[this.i]) return;
!--o.n[g[this.i][(o.r[this.i] = 1) - 1]] && o.onGroupComplete && o.onGroupComplete(g[this.i][0]);
o.onImageComplete && o.onImageComplete(this);
(++o.loaded == && o.onComplete && o.onComplete();
(a.fileSize !== undefined ? a.fileSize > -1 : a.width) && a.onload();
a.onerror = function(){
o.onImageError && o.onImageError(this);
Preloader.prototype.getImagesByGroup = function(n){
var g = this.g, i = [], p = 0, n = n || "general";
for(var j = g.length; j; g[--j][0] == n && (i[p++] = g[j][1]));
return i;
Example (Example)
<script type="text/javascript">
var x = new Preloader();
x.add("", "grupo_A");
x.add("", "grupo_A");
x.add("", "grupo_B");
x.add("", "grupo_B");
x.onImageComplete = function(img){
// Quando cada imagem vai sendo finalizada
// img = objeto Image
// alert(img.src);
x.onComplete = function(){
// Quando todas imagens s?o finalizadas
x.onGroupComplete = function(n){
// Quando cada grupo vai sendo finalizado
// n = nome do grupo
var j, m;
for(var i = (j = this.getImagesByGroup(n)).length; i--;){
j[i].title = "GRUPO " + n;
- Preloader(void)
- Generates an instance of Preloader.
- Preloader.add(url: String, [group: String = "general"]) : void
Adds an url to the list of images that will be preloaded.
- url
- address of the image
- group
- name of the group that the image belongs to
- Preloader.getImagesByGroup([name: String = "general"]): Array
Returns all the objects Image associated with a determinated group.
- name
- name of the group
- Preloader.load(void): void
- Starts to load the images.
- Preloader.onImageComplete: function(image: Image): void
- It's fired for every image that is loaded. The associaded image argument is passed as argument.
- Preloader.onComplete: function(group: String): void
- It's fired when all the images of a specified group are loaded. The name of the group is passed as argument.
- Preloader.onComplete: function(void): void
- It's fired when all the images are loaded.
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