Masked Input //JavaScript Repository


Class to mask inputs (does not work right on opera).
Created: 2005.08.08 - Modified 2013.09.17


Code (Download)

//+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva
//@ [rev. #2]

MaskInput = function(f, m){
    function mask(e){
        var patterns = {"1": /[A-Z]/i, "2": /[0-9]/, "4": /[\xC0-\xFF]/i, "8": /./ },
            rules = { "a": 3, "A": 7, "9": 2, "C":5, "c": 1, "*": 8};
        function accept(c, rule){
            for(var i = 1, r = rules[rule] || 0; i <= r; i<<=1)
                if(r & i && patterns[i].test(c))
                return i <= r || c == rule;
        var k, mC, r, c = String.fromCharCode(k = e.key), l = f.value.length;
        (!k || k == 8 ? 1 : (r = /^(.)\^(.*)$/.exec(m)) && (r[0] = r[2].indexOf(c) + 1) + 1 ?
            r[1] == "O" ? r[0] : r[1] == "E" ? !r[0] : accept(c, r[1]) || r[0]
            : (l = (f.value += m.substr(l, (r = /[A|9|C|\*]/i.exec(m.substr(l))) ?
            r.index : l)).length) < m.length && accept(c, m.charAt(l))) || e.preventDefault();
    for(var i in !/^(.)\^(.*)$/.test(m) && (f.maxLength = m.length), {keypress: 0, keyup: 1})
        addEvent(f, i, mask);

Example (Example)

<form action="">
    <legend>M?scara Gen?rica</legend>
    <label>telefone "(99)9999-9999"</label><input type="text" name="fone" />
    <label>data "99/99/9999"</label><input type="text" name="data" />
    <label>m?scara = letra + letra sem acento + 2 n?meros + tracinho + qualquer digito + letra "Cc99-*C"</label><input type="text" name="etc" />
    <label>permite qualquer coisa menos a, b ou c "E^abc"</label><input type="text" name="except" />
    <label>permite somente a, b ou c "O^abc"</label><input type="text" name="only" />
    <label>somente letras "C^"</label><input type="text" name="letra" />
    <label>somente letras e, tb espa?o em branco "C^ "</label><input type="text" name="letra2" />
    <label>somente n?meros e, as letras a, b e c "9^abc"</label><input type="text" name="numero" />

<script type="text/javascript">

var f = document.forms[0];
MaskInput(f.fone, "(99)9999-9999");
MaskInput(, "99/99/9999");
MaskInput(f.etc, "Cc99-*C");
MaskInput(f.except, "E^abc");
MaskInput(f.only, "O^abc");
MaskInput(f.letra, "C^");
MaskInput(f.letra2, "C^ ");
MaskInput(f.numero, "9^abc");



MaskInput(field: HTMLInputElement, mask: String): void
Adds the mask to a field.
field that will receive the mask
mask that will be applied

Default Rules

  • a = A-Z and 0-9
  • A = A-Z, accents and 0-9
  • 9 = 0-9
  • C = A-Z and accents
  • c = A-Z
  • * = Any character

Special rules

  • E = (Except) exception
  • O = (Only) only

Mask creation

Simple masks: In this kind of mask the user can't type more characters than the amount of characters in the mask.
telephone = (99)9999-9999
date = 99/99/9999

Special mask "rule^exceptions": This kind of mask is composed ty two parts, separated by "^", the left side specified the rule and the right one, the exceptions for the selected rule.
9^abc = The rule is to accept only numbers "9" and the exception are the characters a, b and c
c^123 = Accepts only a-z characters and the exception are the numbers 1, 2 and 3

Use of the special rules: it's similar to the special mask, but the left side has a different meaning, can be "E" (any character, except...) and "O" (only...)
E^abc: Accepts any character, except a, b and c
O^123: Only allows the characters 1, 2 e 3

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