Selection //JavaScript Repository
Retrieves and sets the cursor position, as well the selected text of inputs and textareas. After searching, I saw it's the only code which retrieves right information in textareas under Internet Explorer without damaging the "Ctrl+Z"
Created: 2006.11.05
Created: 2006.11.05
Code (Download)
//+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva
//@ [rev. #1]
Selection = function(input){
this.isTA = (this.input = input).nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea";
with({o: Selection.prototype}){
o.setCaret = function(start, end){
var o = this.input;
o.setSelectionRange(start, end);
else if(Selection.isSupported){
var t = this.input.createTextRange();
end -= start + o.value.slice(start + 1, end).split("\n").length - 1;
start -= o.value.slice(0, start).split("\n").length - 1;
t.move("character", start), t.moveEnd("character", end),;
o.getCaret = function(){
var o = this.input, d = document;
return {start: o.selectionStart, end: o.selectionEnd};
else if(Selection.isSupported){
var s = (this.input.focus(), d.selection.createRange()), r, start, end, value;
if(s.parentElement() != o)
return {start: 0, end: 0};
if(this.isTA ? (r = s.duplicate()).moveToElementText(o) : r = o.createTextRange(), !this.isTA)
return r.setEndPoint("EndToStart", s), {start: r.text.length, end: r.text.length + s.text.length};
for(var $ = "[###]"; (value = o.value).indexOf($) + 1; $ += $);
r.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", s), r.text = $ + r.text, end = o.value.indexOf($);
s.text = $, start = o.value.indexOf($);
if(d.execCommand && d.queryCommandSupported("Undo"))
for(r = 3; --r; d.execCommand("Undo"));
return o.value = value, this.setCaret(start, end), {start: start, end: end};
return {start: 0, end: 0};
o.getText = function(){
var o = this.getCaret();
return this.input.value.slice(o.start, o.end);
o.setText = function(text){
var o = this.getCaret(), i = this.input, s = i.value;
i.value = s.slice(0, o.start) + text + s.slice(o.end);
this.setCaret(o.start += text.length, o.start);
new function(){
var d = document, o = d.createElement("input"), s = Selection;
s.isStandard = "selectionStart" in o;
s.isSupported = s.isStandard || (o = d.selection) && !!o.createRange;
Example (Example)
<form id="form">
<legend>Selection Test</legend>
<textarea name="text" rows="10" cols="30">
Jonas Carlos Lalala
Bin Laden x Bush
</textarea><br />
<input name="getText" type="button" value="[Get selected text]" />
<input name="getSel" type="button" value="[Get cursor]" />
<br /><input name="setText" type="button" value="[Set selected text]" />
<input name="setSel" type="button" value="[Set cursor]" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var f = document.forms.form;
var selection = new Selection(f.text);
f.getText.onclick = function(){
f.setText.onclick = function(){
var s = prompt("New text:", selection.getText());
s !== null && selection.setText(s);
f.getSel.onclick = function(){
var s = selection.getCaret();
alert("Start: " + s.start + "\nEnd: " + s.end);
f.setSel.onclick = function(){
var s = selection.getCaret();
selection.setCaret(+prompt("Start:", s.start) || 0, +prompt("End:", s.end) || 0);
- Selection(textInput: HTMLInput)
Generates a instance of Selection.
- textInput
- reference to a text input or textarea
Class Properties
- Selection.isSupported: Boolean
- indicates if the browser supports selection.
- Selection.isStandard: Boolean
- indicates if the browser supports the Gecko selection methods.
- Selection.getText(void): String
- Retrieves the text in the selection.
- Selection.setText(text: String): void
Changes the text of the selection.
- text
- replacement text
- Selection.getCaret(void): Object
- Retrieves an object containing two properties: start (selection start) and end (selection end).
- Selection.setCaret(start: Integer, end: Integer): void
Sets the selection.
- start
- selection start
- end
- selection end
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