Soundex //JavaScript Repository


Phonetic code of a word, useful to search words with similar sounds, however it was developed for the English language.
Created: 2005.11.01

Code (Download)

//+ Jonas Raoni Soares Silva
//@ [rev. #1]

String.prototype.soundex = function(p){
    var i, j, l, r, p = isNaN(p) ? 4 : p > 10 ? 10 : p < 4 ? 4 : p,
    m = {BFPV: 1, CGJKQSXZ: 2, DT: 3, L: 4, MN: 5, R: 6},
    r = (s = this.toUpperCase().replace(/[^A-Z]/g, "").split("")).splice(0, 1);
    for(i = -1, l = s.length; ++i < l;)
        for(j in m)
            if(j.indexOf(s[i]) + 1 && r[r.length-1] != m[j] && r.push(m[j]))
    return r.length > p && (r.length = p), r.join("") + (new Array(p - r.length + 1)).join("0");

Example (Example)

<script type="text/javascript">

document.write("Jonas Jones Matrix Maytrix".replace(/\w+/g, function(s){
    return "\"" + s +"\".soundex() = " + s.soundex() + "<br />";



String.soundex(precision: Integer): String
Returns the phonetical code of the string.
"precision" of the code, the minimum precision is 4 and the maximum is 10

Rank (Votes: 14)
