List of section Math

Code Modified
Bézier: Calculates the bézier curve. 2006.06.24
Nearest Point to Circle: Nearest point to a circunference, given a point out of the limits. 2005.08.20
Nearest Point to Line: Nearest point to a line, given a point out of the limits. 2005.08.20
Nearest Point to Polyline: Nearest point to a polyline, given a point out of the limits. 2005.08.20
Nearest Point to Square: Nearest point to a square, given a point out of the limits. 2005.08.20
Point to Line Intersection: Intersection point between a point to a line. 2005.08.20
Point-Line Lenght: Distance from a point to a line/semi-line. 2005.08.19
Fibonacci: Fibonacci numeric sequence without loop/recursion. 2005.11.07
Point Inside a Polygon: Checks whether a point is inside a polygon. Adapted from: [] 2008.03.14
Distance from Point A to Point B: Distance from the point A to point B. 2005.08.20
Greatest Common Divisor: Greatest common divisor of an array of integer numbers. 2005.11.03
Least Common Multiple: Least common multiple of an array of integer numbers. 2005.11.28