List of section Forms

Code Modified
Selection: Retrieves and sets the cursor position, as well the selected text of inputs and textareas. After searching, I saw it's the only code which retrieves right information in textareas under Internet Explorer without damaging the "Ctrl+Z" 2006.11.05
Automatic Tabulation: Automatic tabulation for inputs with setted maxlenght. 2013.09.17
Enter as TAB: Tabulation through the enter key. 2013.09.17
Masked Input: Class to mask inputs (does not work right on opera). 2013.09.17
Format Currency: Transforms an input into a monetary field, allowing typing just numbers and also formats the field. 2013.09.17
Restrict: Class to mask inputs and restrict characters. 2013.09.17
Form Style: Allows changing the visual of checkbox and radio inputs with images, without loosing any functionality. 2013.09.17