Arrange: Mathematical arrange (with repetition) on array elements. |
2005.11.29 |
Automatic Tabulation: Automatic tabulation for inputs with setted maxlenght. |
2013.09.17 |
Bézier: Calculates the bézier curve. |
2006.06.24 |
Big Number: Offers a extremely high precision level to make mathematical operations. For integers there is no limits and for floating point numbers, the class allows setting the maximum precision. |
2009.07.16 |
Binary Parser: Serializes and unserializes binary data. |
2005.08.08 |
Capitalize: Capitalizes a string, first letter in upper case and the rest in lower case. |
2009.02.06 |
Cookie: Object to manage cookies. |
2006.04.24 |
Data Slider: Auto rotates through objects. |
2005.08.08 |
Distance from Point A to Point B: Distance from the point A to point B. |
2005.08.20 |
Dragger: Allows dragging objects as well as applying movimentation filters. |
2005.11.30 |
Enter as TAB: Tabulation through the enter key. |
2013.09.17 |
Equals: Tests if two or more objects are equal, accepts any type of object, even multidimensional arrays. |
2005.12.26 |
Expand Exponential: Expands a number in the exponential form to the decimal form. |
2006.05.08 |
Fibonacci: Fibonacci numeric sequence without loop/recursion. |
2005.11.07 |
Focuser: Extends elements that are unable to receive focus, allowing them to handle the following events: keypress, keydown, keyup, blur and focus. |
2013.09.17 |
Format Money: Converts a number into the monetary format "123.456,78" without using loops. |
2007.12.22 |
Function Overloader: Allows functions to be overloaded (different versions of the same function are called based on the arguments types). |
2006.11.29 |
Graphical Plotter: Draws lines and arcs using javascript. |
2005.08.08 |
Greatest Common Divisor: Greatest common divisor of an array of integer numbers. |
2005.11.03 |
Hit Test: Checks if one or more objects partially superposes the area of another. |
2006.11.22 |
HTTP Request: Class to make remote requests, which can be used on the popular "AJAX". |
2006.08.18 |
Incremental Search: Auto-complete for inputs similar to gmail. |
2013.09.17 |
Least Common Multiple: Least common multiple of an array of integer numbers. |
2005.11.28 |
Masked Input: Class to mask inputs (does not work right on opera). |
2013.09.17 |
Math Processor: Mathematical expression parser using reverse polish notation and binary tree. |
2005.10.07 |
Nearest Point to Circle: Nearest point to a circunference, given a point out of the limits. |
2005.08.20 |
Nearest Point to Line: Nearest point to a line, given a point out of the limits. |
2005.08.20 |
Nearest Point to Polyline: Nearest point to a polyline, given a point out of the limits. |
2005.08.20 |
Nearest Point to Square: Nearest point to a square, given a point out of the limits. |
2005.08.20 |
Pad: Concatenates a substring until the determinated length is reached without loops. |
2005.11.20 |
Point Inside a Polygon: Checks whether a point is inside a polygon.
Adapted from: [] |
2008.03.14 |
Point to Line Intersection: Intersection point between a point to a line. |
2005.08.20 |
Point-Line Lenght: Distance from a point to a line/semi-line. |
2005.08.19 |
Randomizer: Container able to return itens based on probability, randomized and sequentially. |
2005.08.08 |
Resizer: Allows resizing any object as well as applying resizing filters. |
2005.11.18 |
ROT13: Encodes and decodes strings into the ROT13 format (rotation of the 26 characters of the alphabet by 13 positions). |
2005.11.01 |
Rotate: Rotate the elements of an array with the minimum possible amount of movements. It's thousands faster than using sequences of "array.unshift(array.pop())" or "array.push(array.shift())". |
2006.04.23 |
Selection: Retrieves and sets the cursor position, as well the selected text of inputs and textareas. After searching, I saw it's the only code which retrieves right information in textareas under Internet Explorer without damaging the "Ctrl+Z" |
2006.11.05 |
Shuffler: Scrambles the elements of an array. |
2005.11.03 |
Simple Arrange: Mathematical arrange on array elements. |
2005.11.28 |
Simple Permutation: Mathematical permutation on array elements. |
2005.11.28 |
Soundex: Phonetic code of a word, useful to search words with similar sounds, however it was developed for the English language. |
2005.11.01 |
Timeline: Simulates the Adobe Flash timeline. You define the amount of frames, the speed in fps (frames per second) and, at each frame passage an event is called, useful for animations. |
2008.03.14 |
Tool Tip: Displays a tooltip when the mouse is over an element. |
2005.11.28 |
Trim: Clears undesirable characters on the left, right or both sides. |
2005.08.11 |
UTF-8 Converter: Converts a sequence of ANSI characters to UTF-8 and vice-versa. |
2007.10.07 |
Valid Date: Date validation. |
2006.04.25 |
Word Wrap: Break the lines that exceed a certain amount of characters. |
2007.10.06 |